A Little Bit of This & That

The Random Things We Love to Make and Do

Two Blogs Are Better Than One September 15, 2010

Filed under: Food — Lizz @ 1:00 am
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Saturday was an exciting first for me.  While I have done baking projects with my best friend before, this was the first time that it was done with the intention of us both blogging about it.  My bestie is Mara, of What’s For Dinner, an amazing blog for anyone who adores food.  As my blog is mainly centered around family activities, our Saturday get together perfectly satisfied both requirements.


A few days ago, Mara sent me a link to Bakerella’s site showing these amazing little treats.  She wanted to bake them for a special occasion, but has a major problem.  Her oven is broken!  What’s a foodie to do? Go over to your newly blogged best friend’s place, that’s what.  Skylar and I were totally game to help out.  Here’s our little adventure with the steps to make these delicious and super cute Cupcake Bites.


Step One: Bake a cake.


Seriously, just bake anything that you like.  We went with funfetti.


Now imagine how upsetting it is when something like this happens to your cake:


Never fear! It’s supposed to happen to this one.  The next step after baking your beautiful cake is to destroy it! Crumble it in to little bits.  Crumble, not mash. Skylar had a blast making this step happen.



Then add one can of frosting, and gently fold it in until all of the cake and frosting are well incorporated.  We went with a simple white vanilla.


Next, take your “dough” and roll it into small balls about this size.



Mara cleverly tried a tip that dipping your hands in water before touching the dough will keep in from sticking, and makes a much nicer ball. Once you have enough rolled up to cover a cookie sheet or other dish, put them in the freezer to make them easier to work with


Now the fun really begins!  Using either a double boiler or microwave method, melt some dark chocolate melting chips.



Take a candy mold that looks like mini peanut butter cups, and fill about ½ to ¾ with the dark chocolate. Be careful during this step.  If you choose to use a squeeze bottle, as we did, your best friend may need to squeeze the bottle hard, causing it to explode and shoot chocolate all over your face and arm. If you were curious if this could happen, yes. Yes it can.


Take a dough ball, and push it gently into the chocolate filled mold, just enough so the chocolate comes up to the top of the mold.  Once all the forms are filled, place in the refrigerator or freezer to harden.  This should only take a few minutes, then you should be able to pop them out.


At some point during this part of the process, your child might get bored, as some of these things need to be done by an adult.  A great way to keep them involved is to have them sort the m&m’s into colors.  She really is intense about this job, isn’t she?



Just make sure to turn a blind eye when she pops a few in her mouth.


As the sorting continues, you need to melt a little more chocolate in the color of your choice.  We chose blue and lavender. Then, holding your half cupcakes upside down by the cup, dip it in the colored chocolate, and give it a little spin before you take it out. I don’t have a clue how Bakerella was able to get hers to look so perfect, but I promise ours were not.  I thought it made them look even more like real cupcakes though.



We had Skylar press an m&m (m side down) gently into the top of each cupcake to hide the point created by dipping. Make sure you do this right away before the chocolate hardens. Add a few sprinkles, and voila! Mini cupcake bites!



Here’s a few super cute images to show off our work:



I will soon be putting up 2 follow up posts to this one, so be sure to check back soon.  The first will show a great way to save some of the dough balls for later use.  The other will show you how to make chocolate bark from the leftover melted chocolate.


I hope you have enjoyed our little project, and make sure you check out Mara’s version of this baking fiesta at What’s For Dinner.


I am submitting this post to Sun Scholars Blog



Other parties where I have shared this post:

Made by You Monday @ Skip to My Lou
Craft-O-Maniac Monday @ Craft-O-Maniac
Inspire Me Mondays @ Singing Three Little Birds
Craftastic Monday @ Sew Can Do
Made It Myself Monday @ You Had me at Craft

Tip Me Tuesday @ Tip Junkie

Tuesday Time Out @ Reasons to Skip the Housework

Too Cute Tuesday @ Funky Polka Dot Giraffe

Thrifty Thursday @ Thrifty 101

Creative Juices Thursday @ Momnivore’s Dilemma

Feature Yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the Fridge


21 Responses to “Two Blogs Are Better Than One”

  1. HOORAY for cupcake bites!!
    I did a similar post too 🙂

  2. I should have waited to read this post until after lunch! They look absolutely adorable.

  3. Rachel Says:

    Those are AWESOME! I am featuring this post in the next For the Kids Friday Link Party (posting later tonight). Come grab an A++ button to post on your page!

    Thanks so much for sharing this… and please stop by. I’d love to have you link up again this week!

    :)rachel @ SunScholars.blogspot.com

  4. […] *Click Here* to read the original post […]

  5. Jen Says:

    Love the cupcakes!!!!!!!! New follower by Make it myself monday!!!


  6. Brenna Says:

    those are awesome! I’m definately goig to be trying those!! those are AWESOME!!!! espescially for picnic and barbewque season!! tfs

    • Lizz Says:

      Oh, thank you! I’m glad you like them. There’s nothing more fun than smashing a whole cake with your kiddo! I hope you give it a try. Let me know how they come out!

  7. Karen Says:

    These are fabulous! I love cupcakes (and Bakerella!), so this was a must-click for me. 😉 Great job and I’m glad your kiddo was such a huge part of the project. :o)

    Hugs and blessings! :o)

  8. kathryn Says:

    these are so cool! what a terrific idea, very creative.


  9. Kathryn Says:

    These are too cute and look so delicious! Please share your recipe with our readers by linking it up at Muffin (and Cupcake) Monday. Thanks!


  10. Frenchy Says:

    I love this!! I have never made them…yet!
    Come on the 1st to link this link or anything you would like for a chance to be featured for 1 month on my side bar and win a gift!
    Grab a button!

  11. abusybee Says:

    Yummy! These are so cute!

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